Thursday 27 December 2012


Ingredients (for 8pcs)

Ingredients A:
Mashed potatoes 100g
bread flour 200g
cake flour 50g
yeast 1/2tsp
salt 1/4tsp
sugar 20g
milk/water 100ml
unsalted butter 20g

Ingredients B:
unsalted butter 60g

Ingredients C: 
Egg mixture  (right amount)

~Peeled and diced potatoes, steamed until soft, pressed into the mud with a fork

~Ingredients A(except unsalted butter)Knead until not sticky hands

~knead like this,Then add in butter continue mix until the dough is fully developed
~knead until the dough membrane(like this pictures)

~ Ferment for 1 hour or until double size

~After one hour

 ~separate 70g each 

~ Ferment for 1 hour or until double size
 ~Beat an egg
 ~Coated with the egg mixture
 ~Bake until golden brown 150c-160c for18~20minutes

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